A Guide To Breast Augmentation
Breast augmentation is done to increase the size of breasts, and it can change their appearance in other ways as well. You can learn more about breast augmentation here, along with reasons some people choose to have it done and some of the other benefits it can give someone.
There are different types of breast implants and procedures
When you decide you want breast augmentation, you will meet with a plastic surgeon. They will give you an exam and talk to you about what you would like to achieve. They may offer you choices in the types of implants and type of procedures, or they may strongly suggest an implant and type of procedure they feel is the best option for you and what you want to achieve.
Some of the different types of implants you may hear mentioned can include saline, silicone, gummy bear, smooth, and textured implants. Some of the different types of procedures the surgeon may also discuss with you can include the sub-pectoral procedure which is the most commonly used and where the implants go behind the muscle, as well as the trans-axillary in which the implants are placed through an incision made in the armpit, and others.
There are many reasons why people may choose breast augmentation
One of the most common reasons for someone opting for breast augmentation is because they feel their breasts are too small. However, there are a lot of other reasons as well. These include things like having reconstruction done after a mastectomy, finding it hard to find clothes that fit well, wanting to do better at work, correcting uneven breasts, and correcting sagging breasts, and there are still a lot of other reasons.
There can be unexpected benefits that also come with breast augmentation
Once someone has breast augmentation, they may also find they get to enjoy more benefits than just the ones that they were expecting. Once someone has the breasts they like, they can suddenly find that they have confidence. They may even notice an improvement in their mood because they aren't caught feeling bad about themselves regularly due to their breasts. The fact that they feel better and have a more positive outlook on things can also affect them socially, making it easier for them to make friendships with others and it can significantly improve their dating life as well.
Contact a surgeon who performs breast augmentation for more information.