Debunking 3 Common Misconceptions About Breast Augmentation

Women choose breast augmentation for many reasons. Some want a larger, fuller look while others what to renew their breast's youthfulness. Whatever your reasoning, you've probably heard some misconceptions floating around from the early days of breast implants.

In this article, you'll discover 3 popular myths surrounding breast augmentation surgery.

Myth 1: You Can't Breastfeed w

Studies show that both women with and without implants are able to establish successful breastfeeding practices without a significant difference between the two. This myth is a common concern that deters many women from having breast augmentation surgery. Because the surgeon is cutting into the breast tissue, there is a risk that breast sensation can be affected but it is rarely permanent.

Your breasts naturally grow and change during pregnancy due to hormonal fluctuations. If breastfeeding is a concern, your surgeon will perform the surgery in a manner that disturbs as little breast tissue as possible. This includes going with a smaller size implant, placing the implant under the muscle, or placing the implant via an incision under the breast fold or the armpit.

Myth 2: Breast Augmentations Look and Feel Fake

New surgical procedures and implant technology have led to softer, more natural-looking breasts. Over time the body produces a scar-tissue capsule around the implant that protects the body from the foreign object.

This process is completely normal but if the capsule is too tight or thick it can cause discomfort, push the implant out of place, or cause the breast to feel hard. This phenomenon, called capsular contracture, occurs in roughly 10% of breast augmentations and is the most common reason for reoperation. Plastics surgeons take measures to reduce scar tissue as well as ensure that the size of the implant fits the patient's chest cavity. 

Myth 3: Breats Implants Are Unsafe

Breast implant surgery and materials have improved to be safer for the recipient. Horror stories run rampant about silicone leaking into the body from the early days of breast implants. Now patients have a choice of a saline implant or a silicone gel implant. A ruptured saline implant will pass safely through your body. A silicone gel implant must be removed immediately but because of the gel consistency, it has less of a chance of passing into your bloodstream than its predecessors. Before silicone gel and saline technology, implant ruptures exceeded 10% of implant cases, need to be monitored frequently.

The best way to discover if breast augmentation is right for you is to consult with a plastic surgeon. Check with the American Board of Plastic Surgery to find a qualified practitioner. Every body is different and will heal differently after the surgery. Your plastic surgeon will work with you to create your desired look in the safest and most efficient way possible. 
