Tips For Patients Consider Breast Augmentations

Undergoing a breast augmentation can be a major decision for you to make. This makes it necessary to be as informed as possible about what should be expected from this procedure. If you are currently in the process of planning to undergo this procedure, there are several key points that you should keep in mind so that you get the best results possible while having a smooth surgery experience.

Receive Consultations From Several Surgeons 

There can be wide variations in the quality of the results that breast augmentation patients receive. This can be due to a result of the skill of their surgeon, their body's natural dimensions and their choice of implant. To give yourself the best chances of achieving the look that you want, it will be necessary to visit with several surgeons. These meetings will allow you to review photographs of their previous patients, discuss your full range of options and potentially review computer-generated images of the possible results from the surgery.

Set Aside Enough Time For Your Recovery

It is a common mistake for patients to severely underestimate the amount of recovery time that they will need following a breast augmentation procedure. During the initial planning stages for this surgery, you should be sure to clear your schedule for at least four or five days to allow for your body to heal and recover. While it may take up to several weeks for the body to fully recover, patients will likely find that they can return to many of their normal activities within the first week.

Avoid Lifting Heavy Objects While Recovering

During the initial phase of your recovery, you should be very mindful about lifting heavy objects. The incisions for the implants are likely to be in the armpit or just above the rib cage. When patients make the mistake of lifting objects that are more than a couple of pounds, they may tear these incision sites. This can be a very painful problem to experience, and it may greatly slow the overall recovery time. Luckily, a little planning can help you to avoid this need. Prior to undergoing this surgery, you should make sure that your kitchen is fully stocked with easy to open food items. This will avoid the need for you to go to the grocery store where you will have to carry heavy bags. If you find that there is something that you need that you forgot to get, using a grocery delivery service may be the preferable option for getting these items. 
